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Privacy Shield Policy

Last Updated: June 4, 2021

The Jays group of companies provides a variety of transportation services in a number of markets. Jay's Transportation Group of Orlando, LLC (collectively, “Jays”) adhere to the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework published by the U.S. Department of Commerce (“Privacy Shield”). This Privacy Shield Policy applies to Personal Data transferred to the United States from the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, and the United Kingdom (UK).

This statement outlines our general policy and practices for implementing the Privacy Shield Program, including the types of Personal Data we gather, how we use it, and the choices affected individuals have regarding our use of, and their ability to correct, the Personal Data relating to them. If there is any conflict between this Policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Principles will govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield Programs, and to view Jays’ certification, please visit: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has jurisdiction over Jays ’ compliance with Privacy Shield.

For purposes of this Policy, “Personal Data” means information that:

  • Is transferred from the EU, EEA, Switzerland, or the UK, to the United States, in reliance on the Privacy Shield Framework;

  • Is about, or pertains to, a specific individual;

  • Can be linked either directly or indirectly to that individual.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Privacy Shield Principles and this Policy do not apply to data that is transferred to or within Jays  on any other legal basis or from any other source.

Principles protecting individuals’ privacy notice and choice

  • We notify individuals about the Personal Data we collect from them, how we use it, and how to contact us with privacy concerns

  • We provide such notice through this Policy and our contracts or other similar documents

  • We collect and process Personal Data from individuals only as permitted by the Privacy Shield Program.

  • Consent for Personal Data to be collected, used, and/or disclosed in certain ways may be required in order for an individual to obtain or use our services. Such consent is provided through our account registration, website forms, mobile applications, contracts, employment agreements, and other similar documents.

Data subjects

The Personal Data transferred from the EU, EEA, Switzerland, or the UK may concern the following categories of persons:

  • Jays  personnel;

  • Clients, prospective clients, and website and application users;

  • Our business partners and service providers (including their employees, agents, officers, workers, and owners)

  • Advisors, consultants, and other professionals who render services to Jays .

Disclosures and transfers

Personal Data may be disclosed or transferred for one or more of the following reasons:

  • We have the individual’s permission to make the disclosure;

  • The disclosure is related to Jays  providing its services (including payment processing)

  • The disclosure is to another Jays  entity or to persons or entities providing services on our or the individual’s behalf (each a “transferee”), consistent with the purpose for which the information was obtained;

  • The disclosure is related to Jays  marketing its services (including in-app notifications, texts, and emails);

  • The disclosure is required by lawful request by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements;

  • The disclosure is required by law or mandatory professional standards;

  • The disclosure is reasonably related to the potential sale or other disposition of all or part of our business or assets;

  • The information in question is publicly available;

  • The disclosure is reasonably related to collection efforts or the establishment of a legal claim

We may transfer Personal Data from one jurisdiction to another. Privacy laws vary by jurisdiction, and some may provide less or different legal protection than others. However, Jays  will protect Personal Data in accordance with the Privacy Shield Program regardless of the jurisdiction in which the data resides.

Jays  may potentially be held liable for a third party’s vendors acts that result in the processing of Personal Data inconsistent with the Privacy Shield Program, as set forth in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.

Data security and integrity

We employ various physical, electronic, and managerial measures, including education and training of our personnel, designed to reasonably protect personal information from loss, misuse or unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. Personal data collected or displayed through a website is protected in transit by standard encryption processes. However, we cannot guarantee the security of information on or transmitted via the Internet.

Access to Personal Data

Persons to whom the Privacy Shield is applicable may request confirmation regarding whether Jays  is processing their Personal Data, request access to their Personal Data, and/or request that Jays  correct, amend, or delete their Personal Data if it is inaccurate or has been process in violation of the Privacy Shield Principles. The individual will need to provide sufficient identifying information, such as name, address, and birth date. We may request additional identifying information as a security precaution such as a national identifier (e.g. a Social Security number). In addition, we may limit or deny access to personal information where providing such access would: (1) be unreasonably burdensome or expensive in the circumstances; (2) compromise confidentiality obligations or the privacy, proprietary or legitimate rights of Jays  or other third parties; (3) violate other applicable laws. In some circumstances, we may charge a reasonable fee, where warranted, for access to personal information.

Persons who have consented to Jays ’ collection, storage, transfer, disclosure to a third party, or other use of their Personal Data (“Processing”) may withdraw that consent at any time and opt out from any future Processing. To the extent, if any, Jays  processes sensitive personal information (that is, personal information specifying medical or health conditions, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union memberships, or information about the sex life of the individual), Jays  will obtain your consent before Processing such data, except to the extent that such consent is not required under the Privacy Shield Principles.

Verification mechanism and enforcement

Verification of Jays’ Privacy Shield Policy will be through self-assessment. This program will include a statement, at least once a year, signed by an authorized representative of Jays , verifying that this statement is accurate, comprehensive for the information intended to be covered, prominently displayed, completely implemented, and accessible. We encourage interested persons to raise any concerns with us using the contact information below

Individuals may submit a complaint in connection with Jays’ processing of their Personal Data under the Privacy Shield Program using the contact information below.

Mail: Attention: Privacy Jays Transportation 


With respect to any dispute relating to this Policy that cannot be resolved through our internal processes

  • Individuals may file a claim with American Arbitration Association (AAA) here. The services of AAA are provided at no cost to you.

  • An individual in the EU may invoke binding arbitration under certain conditions. Please see the Privacy Shield website for more information on conditions giving rise to binding arbitration.


We may amend this policy from time to time by posting a revised policy on this website, or a similar website that replaces this site. If we amend the policy, the new policy will apply to Personal Data previously collected only insofar as the rights of the individual affected are not reduced.

Information subject to other policies

We are committed to following the Privacy Shield Principles for all Personal Data within the scope of the Privacy Shield Program. However, certain information is subject to company policies that may differ in some respects from the general policies set forth in this statement.

Jays websites and applications have their own Privacy Policy that applies to those sites. These policies may be accessed through the websites or applications in question.

Information relating to present or former Jays personnel is subject to our policies concerning personnel data privacy, which are available to current Jays personnel on Jays’s intranet site and former Jays personnel upon request

Information obtained from or relating to clients or former clients is further subject to the terms of any privacy notice to the client, any contract, or other similar letters or agreements with the client.

Contact information

For further information or to submit a complaint, please contact us at:

Mail: Attention: Privacy Jays Transportation 


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